Monday, December 12, 2011

SNL--Mocking おたく

カテ ペレさん は おたく です。”ハローキティ" は すきです。 パラパラはダンスをします. にほんごがあまりわかりません。 I thought it was funny how they attempted to have accents by adding the same sound to the end of all words and attempted to imitate anime.  I really hope I don't seem like this when I take Japanese, and I'm hoping it's different because I'm actually attempting to learn the language (albeit slowly and moderately poorly, but still).  The exaggerated bows and pretending to be shy for girls was very spot-on.A friend sent me this link as a reprieve from studying for my final in this class, and it made me smile. 

1 comment:

  1. とてもおもしろいです!I completely agree with you: hopefully we sound a little more legitimate ^_^"
